handmade items donated to the Australia disaster relief effort

FreightCenter Employees Donate to Australia Relief Effort

by Jacob Martinez

Since the fires started in September 2019, countless lives have been impacted, properties destroyed, and approximately 480 million animals killed. Australia’s cultural wildlife icons, including kangaroos, koalas, wallabies, wombats, and native birds, have been impacted the most. Heartbroken people and organizations worldwide have been pushed into action to help the Australian relief efforts. And that includes the employees of FreightCenter!

How FreightCenter Employees Donate to Australia Relief Effort

Members of the FreightCenter Team got together to donate to the Carolina Waterfowl Rescue, which is running an initiative to supply Australian relief efforts with joey pouches, nests, blankets and wraps for injured and rescued wildlife. Made out of 100% cotton and 100% wool, these pouches and blankets were hand-knitted by FreightCenter employees to send to the Carolina Waterfowl Rescue to be shipped to Australia.

handmade items donated to the Australia disaster relief effort

So, now our fluffy friends in the land down under can be safe, protected and stylish!

You Can Help the Australian Relief Efforts Too!

If you or your organization want to pitch into Carolina Waterfowl Rescue’s initiative for Australia’s relief efforts, visit their website, cwrescue.org.

FreightCenter is always looking for opportunities to empower organizations and charitable causes, both locally and globally. Visit www.freightcenter.com/about or call 800-716-7608 today to learn more about our partnerships with other charities.

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