packing furniture

10 Essential Furniture Packing Tips

by Nadia Brosious

The Way you Package your Furniture Matters

When you are shipping furniture, you want to make sure it arrives in the same condition as it leaves. To ensure that this happens, you must take extra steps to help prepare and package your items. The number one reason for freight damage is due to improper packaging, so packaging your furniture properly is very important in order to avoid damage.

With decades of experience in the furniture shipping and freight shipping industry, the FreightCenter experts have learned a few tips along the way to help you prepare your items for shipping. Keep these in mind to help minimize your chance of damage during shipping.



Furniture Packing Tips


Helpful Furniture Packing Tips:

1. Always use a strong, sturdy box for packaging

2. If you’re shipping multiple items, individually wrap and protect each piece.

3. Once you are done wrapping and boxing, shake boxes to see if any loose items are moving that need additional cushioning.

4. Be sure to wrap and enclose your item in protective material entirely.

5. Label every individual box with the destination address.

6. Generously wrap and cushion your items – you never over-protect them.

7. Use packaging or shipping tape to ensure a strong seal.

8. If you are shipping tables by freight, you must disassemble legs and pieces, then wrap, box, and crate together.

9. Shipping electronics? Try using the original manufacturer’s box for the best protection or generously bubble wrap to prevent shifting.

10. When shipping couches, remove all slipcovers and cushions and wrap these separately. Fully pad, protect, and crate to secure.

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